Fig. S4
The decreased products of Pol III in rpc9-/- mutants, the expression pattern of polr3h and polr3k and the evaluation of their morpholinos. (A) qRT-PCR revealed that, compared to rpc9+/+embryos, the level of pre-tRNAIle, pre-tRNALeu, 5S rRNA and 7SL RNA was significantly decreased in rpc9-/-embryos at 5 dpf (meanĀ±SD, *P < 0.05, ***P < 0.001). (B) The expression profiles of polr3h and polr3k. (C) The EGFP signal in zebrafish embryos injected with pEGFPN1-polr3h, or embryos co-injected with pEGFPN1-polr3h and polr3h MO (upper panel); The EGFP signal in zebrafish embryos injected with pEGFPN1-polr3k, or embryos co-injected with pEGFPN1-polr3k and polr3k MO (lower panel); (D) The expression pattern of flk1 at 36 hpf and foxn1 at 5 dpf in control embryos, polr3h and polr3k morphants.