Fig. S3
Design of in situ probe for each miR-9 pri-miRNA and their expression patterns. (A) Expression profiling of miR-9 primary transcripts determined by CAGE-seq reveals miR-9 pri-miRNAs are zygotically initiated transcripts. X-axis represents the developmental stages analyzed. Y-axis represents the expression level. Expression profiling. (B) Schema describing transcripts organization at miR-9 loci. Position of CAGE tags (prim6 stage) are indicated by a green peaks. Pre-miRNAs are represented by a small hairpin and exons of pri-miRNA transcripts are represented by rectangular red boxes. Positions of the designed ISH probes are represented by rectangular blue boxes. (C) Expression pattern of miR-9 pri-miRNA transcripts and mature miR-9 LNA probe at 48 hpf, as determined by in situ hybridization revealed using NBT/BCIP (blue) and shown in lateral views.