Fig. 1
split top mutant embryo phenotypes. (A) 1dpf split top mutant embryo C1 to C4 dorsalized phenotypes, split-yolk (SY), kinked tail (KT) and thin-fin (TF) phenotypes or additional (Add.) defects. (B) Three mutant females (NN22-4, NN22-14 and NN23-2) illustrate that clutches from a single mutant mother exhibit similar phenotypic trends, but also variability in phenotypic distribution. (C) Time-lapse imaging of wild-type and split top mutant embryos was performed at 21°C, thus development proceeded more slowly than at 28°C. Red arrowheads mark the deep cells and black ones, the EVL. Yellow asterisks on the split-yolk mutant mark the yolk and the arrow marks the developing eye. (D) Confocal z-projections of double-stained embryos. In most split top embryos EVL migration is uncoupled from deep cells, as indicated with brackets. Scale bars: 240µm (C), 150µm (D).