Fig. 6
Genetic deletion of Hif-3α2 increases embryo mortality and transient Wnt/β-catenin signaling phenotype.(A) Increased embryo mortality. Wild-type and F3 homozygous hif-3αΔ42 mutant embryos were raised under normoxia. The number of dead embryo was determined at 9 hpf and is shown as percentage of total embryos. The total embryo number is shown on the top of each column. (B) Morphology of the surviving embryos at 24 hpf. The total embryo number is shown on the top of each column. (C,D) The cardiac tube looping (C) and somite development (D) were examined and quantified at 48 and 12–14 hpf. (E-H) Expression of flh and pax2.a mRNA in wide type and hif-3αΔ42 mutant embryos at 6 hpf (E,G) and 10 hpf (F,H). The frequency of embryos with the indicated expression patterns is shown at the bottom of each panel. Scale bar = 200 µm.