Fig. 4
A conserved enhancer upstream of the duplicated fugu hoxa2 co-orthologs displays subfunctionalization of regulatory activity between neural crest cells and hindbrain segments. (A) Schematic of an enhancer from the mouse Hoxa2 gene mapping the known regulatory elements. Boxes mark neural crest cell activity (NC) in green and r3/r5 activity (RE) in purple. (B-D) F0 transgenic zebrafish embryos at 48 h post fertilization (hpf) expressing a GFP reporter gene under the control of enhancers from zebrafish hoxa2b (zf-Hoxa2b) (B), fugu hoxa2a (fr-Hoxa2a#1) (C) or fugu hoxa2b (fr-Hoxa2b#1) (D). (E-G) F0 transgenic mouse embyos at 9.5 dpc expressing the LacZ reporter gene under the control of enhancers from mouse Hoxa2 (m-Hoxa2) (E), fugu hoxa2a (fr-Hoxa2a#1) (F) or fugu hoxa2b, fr-Hoxa2b#1 (G). Red=RFP expression driven by a Krox20 enhancer in r3 and r5; green=GFP expression; dotted line=otic vesicle (OV). In B-G neural crest (NC) cells are marked with arrows and r3/r5 with arrowheads.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 409(2), McEllin, J.A., Alexander, T.B., Tümpel, S., Wiedemann, L.M., Krumlauf, R., Analyses of fugu hoxa2 genes provide evidence for subfunctionalization of neural crest cell and rhombomere cis-regulatory modules during vertebrate evolution, 530-42, Copyright (2016) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.