Fig. S10

Figures for Chen et al., 2016
Figure Caption

Fig. S10

Injected tumor cells move to the tail via blood vessels. Tg (flil1:egfp) embryos at 20 hpf were treated with 2 µM SU5416 for 1 hr (+SU5416) to inhibit vasculogenesis24; the control fish were treated with 0.02% DMSO for 1 hr (- SU5416). After 1 hr, SU5416 or DMSO was washed out by changing fish media. At 48 hpf, tfRFP-B16 cells were injected into the pericardium cavity of fish. Representative images show that tumor cells moved to the tail in a drug-free larva, while no tumor cells moved to the tail in a drug-treated larva after new vessels were inhibited by SU5416. Insets are enlarged images from each corresponding tip of the tail indicated by white arrows. Dashed white lines mark extravasated tumor cells at 12 hpi. Vessels are green and tumor cells are red. –SU5416, 6 other larvae exhibit similar behaviors; +SU5416, 3 other larvae exhibit similar behaviors. Scale bars, 500 µm. Insets, 100 µm.

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