Fig. 2

Figures for Buckley et al., 2016
Figure Caption

Fig. 2

Light-Controlled Shuttling of Protein between Cytoplasm and Membrane In Vivo

(A) Sequential images of a horizontal confocal slice through the developing neuroepithelium of a 15-somite embryo labeled with PHYB-MCherry-CAAX and PIF6-EGFP. The embryo was illuminated with alternating 5-min exposures to 650- and 750 nm light. PIF6-EGFP was recruited to the membrane after 650 nm illumination and released from the membrane into the cytoplasm after 750 nm illumination.

(B) (i) Relative PIF6-EGFP intensity after alternating 650- and 750 nm illumination, normalized to mean 750 nm levels. Error bars denote SEM. (ii) Illustration of PIF6-EGFP intensity sampling areas in membrane and cytoplasm. (iii) Raw image of (ii).

See also related Figure S2.

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Reprinted from Developmental Cell, 36, Buckley, C.E., Moore, R.E., Reade, A., Goldberg, A.R., Weiner, O.D., Clarke, J.D., Reversible Optogenetic Control of Subcellular Protein Localization in a Live Vertebrate Embryo, 117-126, Copyright (2016) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Cell