Fig. 4
Early oocyte polarization is normal in buc-/- oocytes.(A) Telomere clustering and centrosome positioning (DAPI, blue) are normal in buc-/- oocytes (n = 5 ovaries). Pie chart: centrosome position frequencies. (B) buc-/- ovaries display normal early polarization. Pie charts show the frequencies of each phenotype. The typical phenotype is shown (top), with colors matching the represented phenotype in the charts (n = 26 ovaries). White arrowheads, nuclear cleft; yellow arrowheads, DiOC6 enrichment. Scale bars as in Fig 2B. (C) Cleft analysis results for dazl localization in buc-/- pachytene to early diplotene oocytes. Compare with Wt in Fig 1B. Mean and SEM are plotted. ns, not significant. Data in S1 Data.