Fig. 6
Fig. 6
lamb1a induction defines cell polarity and signaling competence in basal cells of the regeneration epidermis.
(A) Antibody co-staining for aPKC (red) and P63 (green; an epithelial maker for all basal and some suprabasal epithelial cells) in longitudinal sections of sde1/+ and sde1 fin regenerates at 2 dpa. (B) Antibody staining for Laminin in fin regenerates at 4 dpa after a temperature shift from 25°C to 33°C at 3 dpa, indicating induced mislocalization. Laminin, red; DAPI, blue. White dashed boxes indicate areas of enlarged view. (C) Antibody co-staining for aPKC (red) and P63 (green) in longitudinal sections of sde1/+ and sde1 fin regenerates at 4 dpa after a temperature shift from 25°C to 33°C at 3 dpa, indicating loss of basal cell polarity. iii: distal regenerated tissue (sde1/+); iv: distal regenerated tissue (sde1). White arrows indicate basal cell nuclei. (D) Antibody co-staining for phosphorylated Igf1r (red) and P63 (green) in longitudinal sections of 5 dpa sde1/+ and sde1 fin regenerates, after a temperature shift from 25°C to 33°C at 4 dpa. The basal localization of p-Igf1r is enriched in basal epithelial cells in sde1 mutants. (E) shha RNA expression is reduced in sde1 fin regenerates at 4 dpa after a temperature shift from 25°C to 33°C at 3 dpa. Scale bars, 50 µm. White dashed boxes indicate areas of enlarged view. Red arrows indicate plane of amputation.