Fig. 7
Abnormal wnt8 expression-domain shift and vegetal microtubule populations in MZdchs1b mutants, and dchs1b RNA rescue of the microtubule phenotype. (A) wnt8a expression in WT and MZdchs1b embryos at four- and 32-cell stages. Black bars mark the angle between the edge of wnt8a expression domain from the vegetal pole. (B) Quantification of the angle between the edge of the wnt8a expression domain and the vegetal pole for WT and MZdchs1b embryos at four- and 32-cell stages. ***P<0.005. (C) DM1α labeling of vegetal-pole microtubules for WT and MZdchs1b embryos at 20mpa. Top panels show parallel microtubule arrays in tangential view of embryos. Bottom panels show higher magnification views, with black arrowheads indicating crossing microtubules. (D) Plot profile of WT and MZdchs1b parallel arrays for intensity. (E) DM1α labeling of microtubules in WT, MZdchs1b and MZdchs1b embryos injected with dchs1b full-length RNA and ICD RNA at 40% epiboly. (F) Quantification of rescue-of-yolk microtubule phenotype, with different doses of dchs1b full-length or ICD RNAs. MZdchs1b is statistically different from all other conditions. ns, not significant; ***P<0.0001.