Fig. 6
Knock down of p53 rescued the apoptosis phenotype of ddb1m863 mutants.
(A-F) Enhanced apoptosis in ddb1m863 (class I phenotype; D-F) compared to wild type siblings (A-C) without p53_MO injection. (G-R) Partial (class II and class III; J-O) and complete (type IV; P-R) rescue of ddb1m863 apoptosis phenotype compared to wild siblings (G-I) after injection of 12 ng p53_MO per embryo. (S) Percentage distribution of mutant and rescued mutant phenotypes. Genotypes were determined by PCR. Class I (orange), mutants showed the severest apoptosis phenotype; class IV (light blue) mutants have the weakest phenotype with only a few of apoptotic cells, similar to their wild type siblings; class II (yellow) and III (green) are intermediate phenotypes. Abbreviations used: tpz, tectal proliferation zone; Cce, cerebellum; ret, retina; Anterior towards the left. Scale bar: 100 µm.