Fig. 2
Expression of pcdh19, pcdh17, and cdh6 in the telencephalon (anterior region) and olfactory bulb. In the top panels, a schematic drawing of half of the brain section (left or right side) processed for pcdh19 staining is used to indicate major brain structures at this level, which is accompanied by low magnifications of half of the brain sections (left or right side, from adjacent areas). The anterior–posterior level of the brain region is shown in Fig. 1. The top panels of most of the subsequent figures with low magnified views of brain sections are similarly arranged. B–D: Higher magnifications of their respective dorsal telencephalon in the upper panels, while E–G are higher magnified views of the olfactory bulb in the upper panels. The arrows in panel B indicate cells with stronger staining. Asterisks indicate artificial cracks in the tissue sections. See list for abbreviations. Scale bar = 200 µm for the top panels, 50 µm for the lower panels (B–G have the same magnification).