Fig. 1, S1
Mutations in the erbb signaling pathway show precocious neuromast formation by 5 dpf.
Alkaline phosphatase staining of control (A), erbb2 (B), erbb3b (C) and nrg1-3z26 (D) zebrafish at 5 dpf. Quantification of alkaline phosphatase stained larvae shows significant increase in neuromast number in all mutants compared to control siblings (E, Student′s t-test, pd1.0E44). (F) AG1478 induces extra neuromasts even if given after Schwann cell migration is complete. AG1478 was added at 24, 50, 59, 72, or 80 hpf and neuromasts were counted at 5 dpf. For the negative control DMSO was added at 24 hpf only. AG1478 induces a significant increase in neuromasts if given up to 59 hpf (F, one-way ANOVA with Tukey pairwise comparison, pd4.0 E6).