Fig. 4
Analyses of BMP signaling and expression of BMP antagonists during development at 16.5 hpf, 19 hpf, and 21 hpf embryos are presented in a lateral view nasal left.
(A–C) pSmad 1/5/8 immunohistochemistry (red) and DAPI nuclear staining. Activated BMP signaling can be appreciated mainly in the temporal domain of the optic vesicle (arrows) (A–B) and in the dorsal domain of the optic cup (arrows) (C). At 16.5 hpf, a small domain of activated BMP signaling is visible in the nasal optic vesicle (arrows) (A). (D–F) Immunohistochemically enhanced BRE::GFP (green) and DAPI nuclear staining. Activated BMP signaling can be appreciated in the temporal late optic vesicle (arrows) (E) and the dorsal optic cup (arrows) (F). Hardly any activity can be detected in the optic vesicle at 16.5 hpf. Note the delay of activity in comparison to pSmad 1/5/8. (G–I) Whole mount in situ hybridizations with a fsta probe (Fast Red) and DAPI nuclear staining. In the optic vesicle as well as in the optic cup two domains (nasal and temporal) of fsta expression can be seen (arrows). (J–L) Whole mount in situ hybridizations with a bambia probe (Fast Red) and DAPI nuclear staining. Bambi expression can be seen in the temporal domain of the optic vesicle (arrows) (J–K) and in the dorsal domain of the optic cup (arrows) (L).