Fig. S3

Figures for Campbell et al., 2013
Figure Caption

Fig. S3 Caspase activation is undetectable in tectal dendritic arbors. (A and B) Representative IMD ratio images of 80-hpf live tectal dendrites. Caspase activation is represented by the pseudocolors that correspond to Venus/ECFP ratio (1.5–0.5). Red represents low caspase activation, and violet represents high caspase activation. Control (A) and SCAT3 (B) images are shown. (C) Quantification of Venus/ECFP ratios for 80-hpf and 100-hpf tectal dendrites. Dorsal views are shown. White asterisks indicate the primary dendrite. 5–16 tectal dendrites were analyzed per condition. Error bars represent SEMs. Bar, 10 μm.

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