Fig. 7
Fig. 7 Ectopic PGCs are found in spadetail mutant embryos. All embryos were stained with vasa in blue and other probes in red as indicated. (A,B) Ectopic anterior PGCs are seen between the midbrain-hindbrain boundary and the otic vesicle in 24 hpf stage spadetail mutant embryos and ectopic posterior PGCs are frequently observed in the tail; (A) lateral view, (B) dorsal view. (C,D) PGC alignment at the anterior border of the papc expresssion domain at the 80% epiboly stage as seen in a dorsal view of a wildtype embryo (C) is lost in spadetail mutants (D). (E,F) At the 3- somite stage, alignment of PGCs at the level of the 1st somite as seen in wildtype embryos (E) is lost in spadetail mutants (F) stained with myoD, papc and pax8. (G,H) At the 6- somite stage (embryos stained with myoD and pax2.1), the main clusters of PGCs located at the 1st to the 3rd somite in wild-type embryos (G) are found closer to the otic placodes in spadetail mutants (H) and ectopic anterior PGCs are found mainly in between the midbrainhindbrain boundary and the otic placodes in the mutants.