Fig. S7
Dextran injection revealed fluid excretion via the cloaca in zbbs1 and znphp7.2 morphants. Zebrafish control and morphant embryos with pronephric cysts at 96 hpf were injected with 5% FITC-conjugated dextran solution (70 kD) into the circulation. Fluorescent dye excretion with the urine at the cloaca (black and white arrows) was observed in control embryos (22/22), zbbs1 (16/16) and znphp7.2 (21/23) morphants. The lower panel represents a znphp7.2 morphant embryo with missing fluorescent dye excretion due to persistent closure of the cloaca (arrowheads). Images on the left column represent transmitted light images and images on the right column represent fluorescent images of the same embryo for each setting.