Fig. S5 Evaluation of cell proliferation and apoptosis, and the interaction between p53 and eif3ba. (A-G) Cell proliferation detected by PH3 immunofluorescence staining at 24 hpf. Compared with their wild-type siblings (A, C, E), the number of PH3-positive nuclei in the dorsal neuroepithelial regions (red rectangles) is slightly reduced in the eif3ba mutant embryos (B, D, F). (G) Graph of PH3-labeled nuclei at 24 hpf comparing the wild-type with the mutant embryos. (H-L) Whole-mount TUNEL staining of zebrafish embryos at 22 ss and 24 hpf. Apoptosis in the cranial neuroepithelium is more sever in the mutants (I, K) than in the wild-type embryos (H, J). (L) Graph of TUNEL-labeled nuclei at 24 hpf comparing the wild-type and mutant embryos. (M-P) p53 MO injection rescues the crestin expression in the cranial region in the eif3ba mutant embryos at 24 hpf. The untreated mutant (O) has fewer cranial NCCs than the wild-type control (M), while the crestin expression (red triangles) is recovered in the p53 MO-injected mutant (P). (Q) Efficiency and effect of EIF3B knockdown by two more siRNAs in HeLa cells. The abundance of EIF3B mRNA is reduced after siRNA transfection as shown by real-time RT-PCR (*p <0.05, #1788). (R) Western blot detection of p53 expression in EIF3B-siRNA-treated HeLa cells. p53 is up-regulated in both siRNA-treated groups compared with the negative control. #1387 and #1788: cells were transfected with the corresponding siRNA against human EIF3B.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 381(1), Xia, Z., Tong, X., Liang, F., Zhang, Y., Kuok, C., Zhang, Y., Liu, X., Zhu, Z., Lin, S., and Zhang, B., Eif3ba regulates cranial neural crest development by modulating p53 in zebrafish, 83-96, Copyright (2013) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.