Fig. S2
Effect of MOs on Splicing of the Gene Transcripts, Related to Figure 2
(A) MOs were targeted at the first exon - second intron junction to block splicing. In all cases, a premature stop codon which abolishes protein function was predicted from the genomic DNA sequences. RT-PCR analyses were performed to detect the transcripts using the primer sets indicated by arrows.
(B) Gel images for RT-PCR. The predicted size of PCR products was dkk1a: 291 bp, dkk1b: 276 bp, dkk2: 261 bp, and krm: 363 bp, respectively (shown by arrowheads). Amounts of the RT-PCR products were significantly reduced from the MO-injected embryos.
(C) Specificity of MOs was tested by injecting corresponding control MOs with five mispaired residues (5mis). Mean ± SEM are indicated. *P < 0.001 (t test).