Fig. 6
wnt16 was inhibited by beclomethasone in the early phase of zebrafish cardiac repair.
RT-PCR assays revealed the normal injury response of wnt16 expression patterns, and confirmed the inhibitory effect of beclomethasone on wnt16 mRNA expression in zebrafish heart. We then checked the mRNA expression of wnt16 before ventricular resection and at 1 dpa, 3 dpa and 7 dpa by RT-qPCR. (A) Zebrafish wnt16 mRNA was elevated at 1 dpa after injury. In contrast, its expression was repressed by beclomethasone treatment at 1 dpa. (B) During zebrafish cardiac repair, wnt16 transcript was highly elevated at 1 dpa. Its level was diminished by 3 dpa, and gradually reduced to the basal level by 7 dpa. (n = 3) The data represent the meanĀ±SEM. *indicates p<0.05. N.S. indicates no significant difference compared to no-injury control.