Fig. 4
Angiogenesis was hindered in the beclomethasone-treated zebrafish during cardiac repair.
We checked pro-angiogenic genes of drug-treated objects at early regeneration and then examined neo-vascularization at 7 dpa. (A) At 1 dpa, mRNA expression of pro-angiogenic genes was reduced after beclomethasone treatment with a 43.7% reduction for fgfr1a and 41% for vegfaa. The data represent the meanĀ±SEM. *indicates p<0.05. (B, B′) At 7 dpa, there were blood vessels appearing in the clotted areas of the control animals. (C, C′) The beclomethasone-treated animals showed little formation of new blood vessels. The yellow dashed lines indicate the approximate amputation plane; the white dashed lines indicate the outline of the apex. Scale bar = 100 μm.