Fig. S4
At the population level, RG remain self-renewing and multipotent upon Notch blockade. (A) Experimental design to test for self-renewal. (B) Cross-section of the adult pallial ventricular zone in a gfap:gfp transgenic brain, triple labeled for GFP (RG, green), CldU (magenta) and MCM5 (blue); white arrows indicate RG cells in proliferation after 48 hours of Notch blockade and still in proliferation at the end of treatment. (C) Experimental design to test for bipotency. (D) Cross-section of the adult pallial ventricular zone in a gfap:gfp transgenic brain, triple labeled for GFP (green), CldU (magenta) and the neuronal marker HuC/D (blue). Some RG cells in proliferation 2 days after the onset of Notch blockade (GFAP/CldU-positive) generated neurons (yellow arrows) and nondividing RG cells (white arrow). Scale bar: 10 μm. Confocal projection images from four optical planes.