Fig. S2

Figures for Kimura et al., 2013
Figure Caption

Fig. S2 Photo-stimulation of V2a neurons (A), A schematic of the experimental setup. A larva was mounted on agarose with its tail left free. The region and duration of the photo-stimulation is controlled by digital micro-mirror device (DMD) that is attached to the upright epifluorescent microscope. Movements of the larva are monitored from the bottom using a high-speed camera. (B), Demonstration of region-specific illuminations using Kaede transgenic fish (Tg[chx10:Gal4] and Tg[UAS:Kaede] at 3 dpf). Areas boxed with “a–e” correspond to regions of the photo-stimulations in the ChR experiments. In this larva, regions “b”, “d,” and the spinal cord caudal to region “e” were illuminated with violet light. Magenta represents photo-converted Kaede.

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