Fig. S3
Reduced expression of markers of angiogenesis and venous specification in hoxd4a morphants. WISH in control and morphant embryos at 26–28 hpf showing the expression of fli1 (A,C,E) and flk1 (B,D,F). Normal expression of fli1 and flk1 (A,B) is severely reduced in hoxd4a morphants (C,D) and rescued by co-injection with capped mRNA for hoxd4a (E,F). White or black dots denote the tips of dorsally sprouting ISVs. Relative to controls (G,H), the expression of the arterial marker efnb2a is reduced in morphants at 26–28 hpf (I), while the venous marker ephb4a in morphants has recovered (J). Scale bars equal 100 μm.