Fig. 4 The sq198 mutation impairs the protein secretory pathway. (A,A2,B,B2) TEM analysis. Compared to wildtype (WT), the mutant (mu) exhibited disorganized chondrocytes (compare A and B) and less-accumulated ECM (compare A′ and B′). A′ and B′ represent high resolution pictures of boxed regions in A and B, respectively. e: ECM; green asterisk: unknown vesicles in a mutant chondrocyte. (C–H) Double immunostaning of the ER resident marker PDI and the secretory protein Collagen II (Col2a) in chondrocytes in 5 dpf wildtype (WT) (C–E) and mutant (mu) (F–H) embryos. (C,F) Immunostaining of PDI (green). (E,H) Immunostaining of Col2a secretion (red). (D,G) Superimpose of PDI and Col2a staining accordingly.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 367(2), Niu, X., Gao, C., Jan Lo, L., Luo, Y., Meng, C., Hong, J., Hong, W., and Peng, J., Sec13 safeguards the integrity of the endoplasmic reticulum and organogenesis of the digestive system in zebrafish, 197-207, Copyright (2012) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.