Fig. 1 Expression of bcl2 during zebrafish development. Lateral views of embryos analyzed by ISH; anterior is to the left and dorsal to the top. (B) and (D) are dorsal views with anterior to the top. Stage is indicated at bottom left. (A)�(E) 24 hpf embryos showing expression in telencephalon (te), diencephalon (di), lens (le), hindbrain (hb), otic vesicles (ov), cranial ganglia (cg), lateral line primordium (ll), pronephric ducts (pd), spinal cord (sc) and notochord (nc). (F) and (G) 30 hpf embryos showing diffuse rostral expression with distinct domains in otic vesicles, cranial ganglia, distal segment of pronephric ducts, corpuscles of Stannius (st) and posterior blood island (bi). (H) 48 hpf embryo with diffuse bcl2 expression in the brain.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 366(2), Porreca, I., De Felice, E., Fagman, H., Di Lauro, R., and Sordino, P., Zebrafish bcl2l is a survival factor in thyroid development, 142-152, Copyright (2012) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.