Fig. 4
Presence of GFP-positive osteocalcin-reporter cells in the blastema upon amputation of the caudal fin. (A,B) osteocalcin-reporter expression in Tg(osteocalcin:GFP) fins. (A) Uncut fin. (B) 24 hpa fin. The arrow indicates osteocalcin-expressing cells at the blastema and the arrowhead indicates the lack of the osteocalcin reporter expression. (C-H) Immunohistochemistry for GFP in Tg(osteocalcin:GFP) fins. (C,D) Uncut fin. (E,F) 24 hpa fin. The arrow indicates osteocalcin-expressing cell in the blastema. D and F are magnified optical slices of C and E, respectively. (G) 30 hpa fin. (H) 48 hpa fin. (I) Percentage of osteocalcin:GFP-expressing cells over the total DAPI-stained nuclei in the blastema population. There were significantly fewer osteocalcin:GFP-expressing cells at 30 and 48 hpa than at 24 hpa (Student′s t-test, P<0.05; n=11-13 for each condition). Scale bar: 115 μm in A; 100 μm in B; 50 μm in C,E,G,H; 20 μm in D and F. Dashed lines indicate amputation plane.