Fig. 5

Figures for Narayanan et al., 2011
Figure Caption

Fig. 5

Tg(wnt8aPAC:EGFP) expression depends on Ntl/Bra. A–F: In situ hybridizations to detect EGFP transcripts in wild-type (A–C) or ntl;bra morphants (D–F). A,D: Expression at shield stage, lateral view, dorsal right. Note slightly reduced EGFP staining in ntl;bra morphant. B,E: Expression at 90% epiboly, lateral view, dorsal right, anterior up. Note significantly reduced expression in the morphant. Insets: In situ hybridization for wnt8a expression to confirm knockdown. C,F: Bud stage, posterior view, dorsal up. Note significant reduction in EGFP transcripts in the morphant, with slight expression remaining in the tailbud and prospective pronephros (arrows). Asterisks indicate presomitic mesoderm. G–J: EGFP expression at 24 hpf. Note reduced EGFP fluorescence in somitic mesoderm that forms in Tg(wnt8aPAC:EGFP) embryos injected with ntl and bra morpholinos (arrows in H,J), but pronephros expression is not significantly diminished (arrowhead in J). J, Inset: In situ hybridization for EGFP in 24-hpf ntl;bra morphant. Expression is not detected, similar to the behavior of wnt8a.

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