Fig. s6
Ectopic expression of hyperactive RAR-vps does not phenocopy all aspects of RA treatment. (A) Uninjected control embryo. (B) Treatment with 0.5 μM RA causes loss of the anterior CNS (arrow). (C) Treatment with 0.2 μM RA causes dysmorphic, reduced eyes (arrow and dashed yellow outline) and loss of the MHB. Injection of (D) rarab-Nvp, (E) rarab-Cvp, (F) rarga-Nvp, (G) rarga-Cvp, (H) rarab-ΔAvp, (I) rarab-ΔFvp, and (K) rarga-ΔFvp mRNA can eliminate the MHB (arrowheads), but the eyes are not affected (arrows and dashed yellow outline). rarab-Nvp and rarab-Cvp mRNAs are particularly effective at eliminating the MHB. (J) Injection of rarga-ΔAvp mRNA does not affect the MHB (arrowhead
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 352(1), Waxman, J.S., and Yelon, D., Zebrafish retinoic acid receptors function as context-dependent transcriptional activators, 128-140, Copyright (2011) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.