Fig. S1

Figures for Hami et al., 2011
Figure Caption

Fig. S1 Arterial pole progenitors are not derived from neural crest. Ventral view, with cranial to top, of zebrafish after photoactivation of cells at the 7 somite stage. (A-C) When cells in grid zone F were labeled using caged fluorescein:rhodamine dextran (1:1 v/v) in Tg(sox10::eGFP) zebrafish at the 7 somite stage, the labeled cells (green, red and arrow) were clearly distinct from the GFP-positive neural crest cells in the neural tube. (D-F) By the 14-somite stage, the labeled cells (arrow) began to converge with the migrating neural crest but were still not overlapping. The GFP-positive neural crest cells were migrating from the neural tube at this time. Scale bar: 10 μm.

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