Fig. 3 Expression of EGFP-tagged zprelamin A, zlamin A-Δ8, and zlamin A-Δ37/zProgerin in zebrafish embryos and the nuclear morphologies in the expressing cells
(A) EGFP-zPrelamin A expression in zebrafish embryos. (B) EGFP-zlamin A-Δ8 expression in zebrafish embryos. (C) EGFP-zlamin A-Δ37/zProgerin expression in embryos. (D) The nuclear localization of EGFP-zPrelamin A and the nuclear morphology in the expressing cells within the embryo. (E) The nuclear localization of EGFP-zlamin A-Δ8 and the nuclear morphology in the expressing cells within the embryo. (F) The nuclear localization of EGFP-zlamin A-Δ37/zProgerin and nuclear morphology in the expressing cells within the embryo.