Fig. 4

Figures for Ludwig et al., 2011
Figure Caption

Fig. 4 IHNV infection destroys vascular endothelium but not erythrocytes.

A. Confocal images of representative fli1:GFP fish at 49 hours post inoculation; maximal projection from Z-stacks and mosaic reconstruction. Because of individual variation in GFP expression among fli1:GFP larvae, fluorescence levels have been globally adjusted (here, increased in the IHNV-infected fish) to match in the non-endothelial cells of the pectoral fin that also express GFP. B. Fluorescence (left) and transmission (right) images of gata1:DsRed larvae at 48 hpi, taken with a fluorescence stereomicroscope; exposure settings kept identical for all animals. The two bottom animals have been selected to illustrate the variable distribution of red blood cells immobilized in infected larvae.

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