Fig. S4

Figures for Martin et al., 2010
Figure Caption

Fig. S4 Axon degeneration after spontaneous pruning was delayed in WldS-expressing neurons. (A) WldS-expressing neuron during instigation of pruning (0 hours, red arrowhead indiactes pruned axon piece). Asterisk indicates a deeper neuron in the forebrain also expressing GFP. (A′) Four hours after initial pruning event, another axon fragment spontaneously detached (red arrowhead). (A′′) Twelve hours after first pruning event, another fragment detached and all three persisted (red arrowheads). (B) One hour before pruning. (B′) During instigation of pruning, red arrowhead indicates detached axon. (B′′) Fourteen hours later, pruned fragment was still intact and another small axon piece had detached (red arrowheads). (C) An arbor with sister branch overlap (blue arrowheads), which occurs occasionally even in wild-type neurons (Sagasti et al., 2005), 1 hour before pruning. (C′) During pruning, red arrowhead points to detached branch, white arrow indicates point of detachment. (C′′) Twelve hours later, pruned branch persisted. (D) One hour before pruning. (D′) During pruning, two axon fragments detached. (D′′) Four hours later, the fragments were still intact. Scale bars: 50 Μm. (E) An axon expressing KikGR and WldS underwent spontaneous pruning (0 hours, red arrowhead) and its cell body (white arrow) was UV illuminated after time-lapse to convert KikGR protein from green to red (E′, 6 hours after pruning). Note that the detached fragment continued to fluoresce green (white arrowhead) and that the parent arbor did not regenerate over the fragment.

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