Fig. S1

Figures for Larson et al., 2010
Figure Caption

Fig. S1  Distributions of sox10+ cells do not differ detectably between wild-type and puma mutants during embryogenesis. (A, A′) Deep focal plane, showing sox10+ cells migrating along the medial neural crest migratory pathway. (B, B′) Superficial focal plane, showing cells along the lateral migratory pathway.

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Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 346(2), Larson, T.A., Gordon, T.N., Lau, H.E., and Parichy, D.M., Defective adult oligodendrocyte and Schwann cell development, pigment pattern, and craniofacial morphology in puma mutant zebrafish having an alpha tubulin mutation, 296-309, Copyright (2010) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.