Fig. 3

Figures for Matsuda et al., 2010
Figure Caption

Fig. 3 Notch signaling regulates expression of FGF signaling components. (A,B) atoh1a (A) and fgf10 (B) expression in leading and trailing proneuromasts (arrows) in wild-type and mib1ta52b zebrafish embryos at 31 and 36 hpf. There is 1° expansion of atoh1a and fgf10 expression at 31 hpf and 2° expansion by 36 hpf in mib1ta52b embryos. (C,D) fgfr1 (C) and pea3 (D) are expressed in a pattern complementary to atoh1a and fgf10 in the pLLp. Although subtle, fgfr1 and pea3 expression is reduced in the central cells in maturing proneuromasts (arrowheads). In mib1ta52b embryos, fgfr1 and pea3 expression is reduced in large clusters of cells (1° reduction) at 31 hpf (arrowheads). fgfr1 and pea3 expression is reduced in a broader domain and is restricted to the edges of the pLLp (2° reduction) by 36 hpf.

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