Fig. 5

Figures for Malicki et al., 1996
Figure Caption

Fig. 5 The phenotypes of little richard (lit) and golas (gos) mutants. At 3 dpf the ear of litm433 (B,E) is markedly smaller than its wild-type counterpart (A,D). In the wild-type larva the semicircular canals are well developed at this stage (D). In contrast, formation of semicircular canals in litm433 mutants is not initiated (E). At 3 dpf the ear of gosm241 is smaller than its wild-type counterpart and has abnormal shape (C, compare with A). The gosm618 mutation produces a much more pronounced reduction of ear size (F, compare with the wild type in D). (G) Wild-type expression of msx-C at 60 hpf (arrows). (H) msx-C is not expressed in litm433 at 60 hpf. Arrowheads in A and B indicate positioning of the pectoral fin. In all panels anterior is left and dorsal up.

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