Fig. 6 SHP2 Regulates Transcription Factors in Human Neural Crest-Derived Cells
(A) Immunoblot of lysates from 501mel cells stably expressing SHP2-shRNA.
(B) ERK activation in 501mel cells transduced with SHP2-shRNA#2 or shLUC lentivirus at the indicated times after stem cell factor stimulation (hSCF).
(C) Levels of neural crest and melanocyte transcription factors in shRNA-transduced 501mel cells, determined by Q-PCR. SHP2 deficiency increases transcription of early progenitor (SOX10, FOXD3, DCT, and EDNRB), but not differentiation (MITF, TRPM1) markers. GAPDH is included as a control and all levels are expressed as ratios relative to β-actin (internal control). Asterisk: p < 0.05 by Student′s t test.
(D) Levels of neural crest and melanocyte markers in 501mel and Melme3M cells after U0126 treatment, showing that the negative regulation of SOX10 and FOXD3 is ERK dependent.
Error bars correspond to standard deviation of the mean.
Reprinted from Developmental Cell, 18(5), Stewart, R.A., Sanda, T., Widlund, H.R., Zhu, S., Swanson, K.D., Hurley, A.D., Bentires-Alj, M., Fisher, D.E., Kontaridis, M.I., Look, A.T., and Neel, B.G., Phosphatase-Dependent and -Independent Functions of Shp2 in Neural Crest Cells Underlie LEOPARD Syndrome Pathogenesis, 750-762, Copyright (2010) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Cell