Fig. 2 Positional cloning of Leo1LA1186. (A) LA1186 was mapped to linkage group 18 between markers z8343 and 18-189-5. No recombinants were detected between LA1186 and the custom marker 18-839-3 from 1600 meioses. Asterisk marks the position of the nonsense mutation. (B) Sequencing of the leo1 locus in wildtype and LA1186 embryos identified a C to T transition, resulting in a premature stop codon (*). (C) Schematic diagram of the molecular structure of leo1. Zebrafish Leo1WT contains a Leo1 domain (green), nuclear localization sequence (red), and an aspartic acid-rich tail (dark blue). The Leo1LA1186 protein is truncated prior to the nuclear localization sequence. (D, E, F, G) Cellular localization of Leo1WT and Leo1LA1186. FLAG-tagged Leo1WT (D) colocalized with DAPI (E) in the nucleus. FLAG-tagged Leo1LA1186 was detected mostly in the cytoplasm (F, G). FLAG, red; DAPI, blue.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 341(1), Nguyen, C.T., Langenbacher, A., Hsieh, M., and Chen, J.N., The Paf1 complex component Leo1 is essential for cardiac and neural crest development in zebrafish, 167-175, Copyright (2010) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.