Fig. 2

Figures for Li et al., 2010
Figure Caption

Fig. 2 Analysis of pattern-associated CNEs reveals spatial and temporal enhancers. (A) CNEs with anterior brain enhancer activity. (1) CNE 1.01 shows specific enhancer activity in sub-regions of the forebrain (fb). (2) CNE2.01.2 drive reporter (mCherry) in the fb and midbrain (mb). (3) CNE2.04 drives GFP specifically in the fb, heart (h), and few muscles cells in the trunk region. (4) CNE2.10 drives reporter expression primarily in the telencephalon. (5) CNE3.02 shows strong enhancer activity in the anterior brain. (6) CNE2.05 drives reporter expression in sub-regions of the ventral mb. (7) CNE6.01 drives reporter expression primarily in the telencephalon. (8) CNE 7.11 has enhancer activity in fb and mb, extending into anterior hindbrain (hb). (9) CNE 3.16 drives strong GFP expression in sub-regions of the telencephalon. (B) CNEs with posterior brain enhancer activity. (1) CNE2.16 drives reporter expression in the anterior hb. (2) CNE2.01.1 is able to drive reporter expression in the anterior hb and branchial arch (ba) regions. (3), (4) CNE4.10 and CNE 7.05 drive reporter expression in the ventral hb. (5) CNE6.05 drives reporter expression in the midhindbrain boundary (mhb). (6) CNE5.03 drives reporter expression in subsets of anterior hb cells. (C) CNEs with other tissue-specific activity. (1) CNE7.04 is an ear enhancer. (2) CNE4.05 is able to drive reporter expression in the trunk muscle (m). (3) CNE1.22 is an eye enhancer. (4) CNE1.20 drives reporter expression in eyes, hb, and notochord (n). (5) CNE3.07 is a heart enhancer. (6) CNE7.09 drives reporter expression in ba regions. (D) CNEs with temporal specific activity. CNE2.01.1 and CNE2.16 have no detectable enhancer activity at 24 hpf, but have distinct enhancer specificity at 48 hpf. CNE4.10 is able to drive reporter expression at 24 hpf with a non-specific pattern, and drive reporter expression specifically in sub-regions of hb at 48 hpf. (E) Table showing the chromosomal location (based on Zv7) of the CNEs shown.

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Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 337(2), Li, Q., Ritter, D., Yang, N., Dong, Z., Li, H., Chuang, J.H., and Guo, S., A systematic approach to identify functional motifs within vertebrate developmental enhancers, 484-495, Copyright (2010) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.