Fig. 7 Pigment cell specification and early differentiation in bonaparte (bnc2) mutants.
Shown are corresponding views from the flanks of mid-metamorphic 8–10 SSL larvae with wild-type above and bonaparte (bnc2) mutants below. (A,B) Staining with L-dopa revealed previously cryptic cells that are competent to synthesize melanin (arrows) in both wild-type and mutant. (A,A′) Prior to staining. (B,B′) After staining. (C,C′) kit+ melanoblasts were detectable in both wild-type and bonaparte mutants. (D,D′) csf1r+ xanthophore precursors were found in both backgrounds. (E,E′) ednrb1+ cells that may be iridophores as well as other chromatophore precursors are present though fewer in bonaparte. (F,F′) purine nucleoside phosphorylase 1 (pnp1) expressing iridophore precursors (DMP unpublished data) are present though dramatically reduced in number in bonaparte.