Fig. 6 ttll3 MOs Reduce Tubulin Monoglycylation in Zebrafish Cilia
(A–B′) Ear in a control (A and A′) and a morphant fish (B and B′) labeled with TAP952 mAb. (A′) and (B′) show higher magnifications (5x) of areas boxed in (A) and (B).
(C–F) The pronephric duct area in control (C and E) and morphant fish (D and F) labeled with TAP952 anti-monoglycylated tubulin mAb (C and D) and GT335 anti-glutamylated tubulin mAb (E and F). Note lack of cilia staining in morphants in corresponding area (all indicated by arrows).
(G–J) The spinal cord and hypochord area in control (G and I) and morphant fish (H and J) labeled with TAP952 (G and H) and GT335 mAb (I and J). Arrows indicate cilia in spinal cord, while arrowheads point to cilia in hypochord in control embryos (G and I). Note lack of cilia staining in morphants in corresponding regions, as indicated by arrows and arrowheads (H and J).
Reprinted from Developmental Cell, 16(6), Wloga, D., Webster, D.M., Rogowski, K., Bré, M.H., Levilliers, N., Jerka-Dziadosz, M., Janke, C., Dougan, S.T., and Gaertig, J., TTLL3 Is a tubulin glycine ligase that regulates the assembly of cilia, 867-876, Copyright (2009) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Cell