Fig. 1 Hyperactivation of Wnt/β-catenin pathway leads to late somite-loss.
(A) TOPdGFP transgenic embryos report activated Wnt/β-catenin signaling, i.e. TOPdGFP transcripts. Cartoon depicts the level of vibratome sectioning i.e. left panel at the yolk extension and right panel caudal to the yolk extension. Scale bar, 50 μm. (B) Hyperactivation of a target of Wnt/β-catenin pathway lef1, as shown with WISH, in axin1/apc1 mutants matches the expression of TOPdGFP. Scale bar, 250 μm. (C) The axin1/apc1 embryos are slightly shorter compared to wild-type embryos at 36 hpf, top panels. At 54 hpf, the difference becomes striking, bottom panels. Scale bar, 500 μm. (D) Somite counts at 36 hpf and 54 hpf, corresponding to embryos depicted in (C) with error bars showing the standard deviation.