Fig. 6 Double sdf1a/cxcr7b inactivation partially restored motoneuron migration (A,D). Compared to sdf1a phenotype (A), three examples of double morphants are given: a severe case (B) which is comparable to (A) with cells arrested in r4 and r5 (arrows) and a weak case (C), which corresponds to the major phenotype: cells are retrieved in r4, r5, r6 (B, C embryos were injected at the ratio sdf1a-MO/cxcr7b-MO 1.25/1.5). (D) Typical mixed phenotype with r5 accumulation on the left side (CXCR7b phenotype) and cell accumulation along the midline on the right side with ectopic dendrites (injection at the ratio sdf1a-MO/cxcr7b-MO 0.5/1.5). H: graphic illustration of the phenotype variability from a range of concentration of sdf1a-MO (0-1.25 mM) with constant cxcr7b-MO concentration (1.5 mM). Three categories have been distinguished, the severe phenotype includes strong phenotypes of cxcr7b-MO and sdf1a-MO. The Y axis corresponds to the percentage of embryos in each group. (E–G) Motoneuron migration at 48 hpf after GM6001, MMP inhibitor, ventricular injections of Isl1-GFPembryos (24 hpf). GM6001 injected embryos (n = 25) showed a variability in cell arrest position in r4 (F, G, arrows). (G) #2 embryo displays the more severe phenotype observed (n = 5/25). No specific arrest in r5 ever occurs. (I–K) Ectopic expression of cxcr7b truncated receptor cxcr7bΔ140 by mRNA injection. cxcr4b expression is not altered in mRNA cxcr7bΔ140 injected embryos (J), however it reflects a failure of the migration of CXCR4b expressing cells with accumulation in r4 (arrow) at 24 hpf. (K) At 48 hpf, injected Islet1-GFPembryos display a migration defect with cell accumulation in r4 and r5 (K, arrows) and in most severe cases, ectopic dendrites (L, arrow). cxcr7bΔ140 mRNA injection was performed at 40 pg (J, K) and 80 pg (L).
Reprinted from Molecular and cellular neurosciences, 40(4), Cubedo, N., Cerdan, E., Sapede, D., and Rossel, M., CXCR4 and CXCR7 cooperate during tangential migration of facial motoneurons, 474-484, Copyright (2009) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Mol. Cell Neurosci.