Fig. 2 irx4a regulates sox2 expression in the neural plate. In situ hybridization of brain markers was carried out on control and irx4a morphant embryos at 90% epiboly. (A, B) The neural precursor marker sox2 appears diminished in the anterior brain (ab) and hindbrain (presumptive rhombomere 3, arrowhead, pr3) in irx4a morphant embryos (B) compared to uninjected controls (A). (C, D) The expression pattern of pax2.1 in the midbrain–hindbrain boundary (pMB-HB) appears unaffected but the expression of the rhombomere 3 marker krox20 (arrowhead) is diminished in morphant embryos. (E, F) rx3 expression in the presumptive forebrain (pf) is unchanged in morphant compared to control embryos. All views are dorsal, anterior is towards the left.
Reprinted from Molecular and cellular neurosciences, 40(3), Feijoo, C.G., Saldias, M.P., De la Paz, J.F., GĂłmez-Skarmeta, J.L., and Allende, M.L., Formation of posterior cranial placode derivatives requires the Iroquois transcription factor irx4a, 328-337, Copyright (2009) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Mol. Cell Neurosci.