Fig. 1 Lineage-Tracing Evidence for Hepatopancreatic Progenitors
(A–C) Ventral confocal images of control embryos at the 10 somite stage illustrating the accuracy of single-cell targeting by the laser. Tg(sox17:GFP)s870 embryos were stained for GFP (gray) and uncaged fluorescein (red). A single endodermal cell was labeled in the region between somites 1 and 4 at three specific positions in the medio-lateral axis: the most medial cells (medial, [A]), cells immediately adjacent to the medial cells (lateral 1, [B]), and cells one cell away from the medial cells (lateral 2, [C]).
(D–I) Confocal projections of Tg(sox17:GFP)s870 embryos at 50 hpf showing the progeny of the medial (D and G), lateral 1 (E and H), and lateral 2 (F and I) cells. Tg(sox17:GFP)s870 embryos were stained for GFP (green), Insulin (blue), and uncaged fluorescein (red) (triple-positive cells appear white). Medial cells (D and G) mostly gave rise to pancreatic endocrine cells (arrows). Lateral 1 cells (E and H) gave rise to exocrine cells (double arrows), a small number of endocrine cells (arrows), as well as intestinal tissue (arrowheads) adjacent to the pancreas. Lateral 2 cells (F and I) gave rise to liver (asterisks), intestine (arrowheads), and exocrine cells (double arrows).
(J) 3D column graph tabulating the lineage-tracing data. Data in each column (%) were obtained by summing the number of embryos that showed incorporation into a given tissue type and normalizing it to the total number of embryos examined in each specific position: M, L1, and L2.
(K) Schematic diagram of Tg(sox17:GFP)s870 expressing cells in the region between somites 1 and 4 with the bilateral position (red boxes) of cells that can give rise to liver and pancreas.
Reprinted from Developmental Cell, 15(5), Chung, W.S., Shin, C.H., and Stainier, D.Y., Bmp2 signaling regulates the hepatic versus pancreatic fate decision, 738-748, Copyright (2008) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Cell