Fig. 1 Myoblasts Intercalate between Each Other as They Elongate.
(See also Movies S1 and S2.) A) Cartoon depicts the anterior to posterior progression of myofiber elongation in a 22 somite embryo. A1–A2) Confocal time-lapse sequence showing fast muscle cell elongation in a single focal plane of a zebrafish embryo vitally labeled with BODIPY-Ceramide. Anterior left, dorsal top, somite number denoted, time elapsed indicated on panels. The colored cells were pseudocolored to facilitate visualization. By 80 min, the blue cell is beginning to intercalate, intercalation is complete by 84 min. During this time, the orange and purple cells are elongating. The green cell transits from a long, but irregularly shaped cell (white arrowhead indicates a groove at 20 min) into a rod-shaped myotube by 124 min. Scale bars: 50 μm.