Fig. 2 Photographs of live (A, B) and Alcian blue-stained wildtype (C, E, G) and vgo (D, F, H) larvae. A lateral view (B) of a live 3-dpf vgo larva shows that the pharyngeal arches are reduced and that the ear vesicle is much smaller. In vgo the pharyngeal cartilages fuse (p2–p7, D, F) and form one cartilaginous element ventrally (F), instead of being separate as in wild-type larvae (E). Also the most posterior cartilages are often reduced or absent (D, F). A dorsal view of the neurocranium (G, H) shows that the notochord (n) reaches farther anterior into the head in vgo (H). This defect seems to be caused by aberrant growth processes in the head, as at 1 dpf the notochord still has its wild-type position. Also, the mesodermally derived parachordalia (pc) are severely malformed.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 225(2), Piotrowski, T. and Nüsslein-Volhard, C., The endoderm plays an important role in patterning the segmented pharyngeal region in zebrafish (Danio rerio), 339-356, Copyright (2000) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.