Fig. S2

Figures for Tian et al., 2008
Figure Caption

Fig. S2 Nodal-related proteins are stabilized by 24-hour treatments with the proteasome inhibitor MG132. Immunoblots to detect Myc-tagged Cyc (∼58 kDa), Cyc 2 (∼55 kDa), Sqt (∼46 kDa), SqtproCyc2:Sqt (∼46 kDa), hNodal (∼41 kDa) or BMP2b (∼48 kDa) in extracts of cells grown in the presence or absence of the proteasome inhibitor MG132 for 24 hours show that all proteins are stabilized by treatment with MG132. Expression of GFP transfection control and Tubulin loading controls are shown. The graph shows normalized protein expression levels from three independent experiments, relative to the GFP control (mean±s.e.). The asterisk denotes significant difference (P<0.05 as determined by paired Student's t-test) between cells that were not treated versus those treated with the proteasome inhibitor for 24 hours.

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