Fig. 2

Figures for Strasser et al., 2008
Figure Caption

Fig. 2 Germ cell granule behavior during cell division in live embryos. A) During interphase and before nuclear envelope breakdown (NEBD), the granules (labeled with Vasa-dsRed) show an organized localization around the nucleus (visualized with LaminB2-GFP). During early prophase, the nuclear envelop disassembles and germ cell granules change their shape (arrow). Once the envelope is completely disassembled granules that changed their shape readopt their spherical shape (arrowhead). All granules spread in the cytoplasm and are segregated into daughter cells. B) After cytokinesis, the nuclear envelope reassembles (n) and a group of granules spread in the cytoplasm readopt perinuclear localization (asterisk). Granules are labeled with Vasa-dsRed, nuclear envelope with LaminB2-GFP, and plasma membrane with farnesylated GFP. C) Movement of granules towards the nuclear envelope labeled with NUP155-GFP and visualized by confocal microscopy. Granules move directly (asterisk) to the area where the nuclear envelope is reassembling (n) during cytokinesis. All movies were recorded in 10 hpf embryos.

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