Fig. 2 admp expression during early development. In situ hybridization was performed with an admp antisense probe. (A) No signal is detected at the eight-cell stage. (B) Sphere stage, animal pole view. The admp expression domain is radially asymetric. (C) Shield stage, dorsal view, ventral to the top. admp RNA is expressed in the embryonic shield. (D) Sagittal section at 80% epiboly, dorsal to the right, animal pole to the top; admp RNA expression in blue; NTL protein expression in brown. (E) 80% epiboly, dorsal view. admp RNA is expressed along the antero-posterior axis during gastrulation. (F) Tail bud stage, dorsal view. admp expression is discontinuous along the midline. (G) Tail bud stage, lateral view. (H) Sagittal section at the sphere stage, dorsal to the right. An arrowhead indicates the blastoderm margin. (I) Sagittal section through the embryonic shield. An arrowhead shows the blastoderm margin. (J) Flat mount at tail bud stage. Black arrow, hatching gland territory, stained in red with an hgg1 probe; white arrow, midbrain–hindbrain boundary, stained in purple with a pax2.1 probe; black arrowhead, admp RNA staining in the tailbud. (K) Tailbud stage, lateral view; higher magnification of the region marked (+) in (G) and (J). admp RNA is expressed in the prechordal plate. (L) Five-somite stage, lateral view of the tail bud; staining for pax2.1 and admp both in purple. (M) Tailbud stage, lateral view, higher magnification of the region marked (*) in (F, G, J). Axial staining posterior to the midbrain-hindbrain boundary. (N) Five-somite stage; note the Kupffer’s vesicle (arrowhead) next to the admp staining.
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 241(1), Willot, V., Mathieu, J., Lu, Y., Schmid, B., Sidi, S., Yan, Y.-L., Postlethwait, J.H., Mullins, M., Rosa, F., and Peyriéras, N., Cooperative action of ADMP- and BMP-mediated pathways in regulating cell fates in the zebrafish gastrula, 59-78, Copyright (2002) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.